
Fashion Brands Art Basel Miami Beach business

 Art Basel Miami Beach is not only about Hermes Birkin 35CMart. Every year, a number of fashion names in Miami rose to participate in the festivities. And with an abundance of well-dressed celebrities, celebrities, gallery

and models of the city, it makes perfect sense.

A Night of fashionon fifth December start of Art Basel Miami Beach Fashion Games at Interview magazine and Laure Dubreuil Hériard, co-founder of the hip boutique luxury Miami Webster, a special presentation

of the collection pop Valentino Peas hosted on the roof of the store. Later that night, a film by photographer Bruce Weber for Dior Homme directed at the Moore Building in the Design District at a party with

Premiere magazine W And finally, sponsor of the annual Chanel Art.sy Beachside Barbecue at Soho Beach House.

ExhibitionsFashion exhibitions abound. Condé Nast is the guests a glimpse into the next: from collectors at the fair Art Basel Miami Beach ", the display of photographs of people like Edward Steichen, Herb

Ritts, and Ellen Unwerth" Entry Mode A Century of Photography at Condé Nast. " Antonella Villanova Gallery presents a solo exhibition of surrealist creations jeweler Delfina Delettrez at Design Miami /.

Christian Louboutin is an exhibition of works by Chinese artist Ye Hongxing sticker clinging to his business Design District. On Saturday evening will feature Chloe "Attitudes Chloe Inspired" one night only

show of sculpture, painting and photography-based French fashion house.

Shop Till You Drop

Fashion e-commerce sites will also be represented in Miami. Organized Net-a-Porter and Mr. Porter Jonathan Horowitz "Free Store" with Visionaire. Moreover Store Bazaar HARPER'S BAZAAR popping up for a series

of events in the Design District Buena Vista building. Grey Area is well. A display accessory art by Elyse Graham, Miya Ando, ??Nektar De Stagni, Scott Campbell and Shelter Serra spa standard sale

Art meets fashion CommerceAs press product, will be celebrating her Diane Von Furstenberg evian bottle with lunch at the Soho Beach House on 6 December (Von Furstenberg and Design Talk with Stefano Tonchi W

Editor at Design Miami / December 5). While Hermes held a cocktail party for her Hiroshi Sugimoto "Colours of Shadow" cooperation That same night, Lacoste held a party for his collaboration with Brazilian

designers Humberto and Fernando Hermes Birkin 40CMCampana.

