
didn’t know where she was

saying she had just dropped a friend off at his home and was on her way home to Palm Beach Gardens. According to a GPS tracker, she was in the area of Mallory Creek when she sent that message, her mother said. Cynthia Phillips also said a friend received a two-minute voice mail around 4 a.m. from her daughter’s phone number, however no one spoke in the message. There is no proof that she was the one who sent a facebook message or called her friend. If anything she would have called her mom again to say she was on her cheap hermes bagway home. Why send a message to someone on facebook and then call someone else and stay on their voice mail for 2 minutes without saying a word or have any sound in the background? It makes no sense. What makes sense is someone else doing those things to make it look like she was still alive after she dropped off her "friend". Which by the way took 1 hr and 15 minutes? She left the bar at 1:45 to drive him home and he was driving her car when she called and told her mom she was dropping him off and coming home. She lived very close to that area and was familiar with the roads there.

 If she were texting and lost control I'm sure she would have hit the brakes some where between hitting the curb and landing in the Gucci tote bag lake. There were NO skid marks on the grass. The car rolled freely in to the lake with no attempt to stop. What does all this tell you? I only hope the M.E. and the investigators on this case do not drop the ball on this one. been a closed device so far -- you've had to rely on Nest for new features and software. The company is opening up its platform with the announcement of a developer program. Programmers will soon get to build web apps that link the thermostat to other devices and services, such as home automation equipment. Nest won't start the program until early 2014, but it's already partnering with Control4; eventually, all of Control4's apps and remotes will commandeer Nest hardware. If you're interested in growing the ecosystem, you'll find more details at the source link. Cynthia Phillips called police Sunday because her daughter hadn’t been home to feed and walk her dog, something she always made time to do.

 Chanel’s friends also didn’t know where she was. program has landed an envy-inducing arrangement with the National Football League. As part of the new advertising partnership, the NFL will leverage Twitter to cheap hermes bag"package in-game highlights and other video content" inside sponsored tweets, which can be distributed via a marketer during games. Both Twitter and the NFL will take a slice of the profits, though neither side is talking specific terms. As of now, it sounds as if Verizon will be the "premiere sponsor," which grants it "exclusive sponsorship rights for Amplify ads during the Super Bowl next February." The upside? Easily tweetable instant replays. The downside? It might make you a shill. Them's the breaks! Phillips was out with friends Friday night at Renegades Country Western Bar in West Palm Beach and then at the Dirty Martini bar at Downtown at the Gardens off PGA Boulevard.

