
Louis Vuitton wins lawsuit after local dealer caught selling counterfeit goods

Gucci 2012 bag The famous luxury retailer has taken Federal Court action against Sonya Valentine Pty Ltd after the company was caught selling fake Louis Vuitton sunglasses with the famous floral emblem of the premium brand . Louis Vuitton products have long been the goal of challenging counterfeit world due to its high price tag and popularity among celebrities . The court heard the company imported the fake glasses sun wholesale China in two expeditions between May and July last before selling it to local retailers year . We do not know if the wrong sunglasses at a discounted price or if they were made price tags sold in the hundreds of dollars like the real Louis Vuitton products . " Paris Is Eyewear 1941. . " Set up " Louis V " and, as with the legendary floral emblem that adorns almost all elements of Louis Vuitton goods , some of these products were also the words The Federal Court judge Christopher Jessup said he had no doubt that the marks were deceptively simlar to use the counterfeit products of Louis Vuitton. Gucci BackPack Bag He agreed with counsel for Louis Vuitton Malletier brands that were used to deceive buyers and cash-in on reputatuion company. " This reputation related fashion items in general, and I accept that includes sunglasses ," he said. " Therefore, the alleged consumer must be taken to the spirit of the Louis Vuitton brand and its importance for the genre property he or she will have been considering buying . " Being aware of this reputation , the consumer would , be tempted to believe in my opinion that sunglasses with " Louis V " were either the applicant or partner in a meaningful way with the applicant. " While Louis Vuitton has won an injunction permanently Sonya Valentine selling goods that were true, it is not yet known whether it is applicable to damage. Sonya Valentine Pty Ltd was also ordered to fake it and still return any packaging or advertising materials with the floral emblem , Louis Vuitton Malletier be destroyed. Gucci belt bag He must also make all documents related to the importation of counterfeit goods and the details of a customs agent or broker used to import goods within seven days.

