
Season 6 Finale Recap 'Mad Men' - 'In Care Of'

That's it, folks! The season six finale! Anything can happen! Although the description AMC said only: "Don has difficulties" that really narrows things. Megan finally know that with Don Sylvia? Pete has great legs merge sideburn look to make the world horrible decisions.louis vuitton wallets for men Stan's mother hen, Don corners as he walks into the office. He wants to go to Los Angeles to work on the Sunkist bill, and to help set up a branch - a proposal he made, while wearing a blue blazer and glass printing a paisley tie. "Los Angeles is not what you see in movies," says Don. "It's like Detroit with palm trees." Daughter of Roger Sterling office, and she is on a mission! A mission to open the portfolio Roger. More ... it does not feel very generous. "I'm your daughter. What should I do to the list of girls that you do money?" She asks. Burning. Then uninvites him for Thanksgiving dinner. This is Ken Cosgrove! Cache extravagant, breaking into the office of Don, excited to take the opportunity to Hershey as a customer. But now he's gone! More Ken Cosgrove, please all the time. (He and Stan are currently tied for the role of my imaginary friend Mad Men.) Pete Campbell was set back from Detroit, and the airport is Compains "like Calcutta," Pete Campbell in his way forward. But no matter to him, because Bob Benson is back in town. Give toy cars Joan Kevin as if he had never tried the career of Pete Campbell makes his senile mother believes her nurse was derailed in love with her. Ooh, it's time to evaluate the performance of Bob Benson! "What do you want to buy gifts for this child?" Roger asked Bob to Kevin aka son. Bob's like, "What does that have to do with my performance?" And Roger is like (I quote) "Meh, nothing really., But stay away from Joan." So, people of the Sheraton in the lobby of Sterling, Cooper and partner, but Don was not found! Because it is in a bar someone preaching of Jesus and Don says: "Can I drink it down?". Flashback time! "Mad Men really need more flashbacks brothel," said person ever show because the child that young Don Draper is supposed to be, although we all know, young Don Draper really is.: A kind of preacher out of the house, thrown into the Don. "I want to tell you to go to hell, but I never want to see you," the man said to throw. Now in real time Don (or you know, Don in 1968) is in jail! To drill a minister. Back in the office, Peggy sees Ted leaving for a night with his wife. Pete and a telegram - his mother has disappeared from a cruise ship! Mother and Manolo Pete lost at sea like a good plot for a sitcom, actually. Ahh! Here Don, back to his apartment, looking like the personification of the word "hangover". He said that he spent the night in jail Megan ", I realized something else. I do not want to be here," he said. He wants to move to LA! His plan is to work on the Sunkist bill, and eventually build a branch there. Megan's like: "What children" Something that does not think clearly Don! So when Don tells his team the big idea, Ted is like, "I think we can save you." Looks like it is done, then. Further developments in the disappearance of the mother of Pete! She married Manolo before dropping a cruise ship. Pete and think Manolo kidnapped and married at gunpoint. Pete confronts Bob about it in the elevator (where else?), But of course denies Bob. Oh Pete, if you knew how awful cruise ships would be in the future. Helloooo, Peggy! It is cut out on his bow-front blouses butt-skimming dress and Chanel No. 5 listed. And they made sure of the boardroom, where Ted is to finish in the middle of a meeting, announced that they leave early. Harry's like: how Ted loses to form "Vixen by night" the ablity to words. Pete and Bob are entertaining the Chevy execs and not hide their hatred for each other. In the Chevy building, Bob, who knows Pete can not drive, convinced - to the people Chevy! - Edit the Camarro show in the lobby. Everyone is like, "Go ahead, try it!" So Pete fumbles, and the car turned a little before it supports a character. "We'll pay for it," says Bob. Ted is hanging around outside the door of Peggy as a creep. He wants to know how his day was. "Terrible. He works in finance." Girl, say no more. Then Ted's like, "I do not think anyone else to have" and Peggy told him to go. But! He wants to leave his wife for her. So they are at the door of Peggy - Peggy in her bra, Ted in his turtleneck. Betty calls Don - Sally was suspended from Miss Porter to buy beer. With a fake I.D.! "She comes from a broken home," said Betty, Don feel a little guilty, as it seems does. Don clock is pajamas! Buttoned with buttons full. Everyone wants to go to California! Ted. "I'm the one who has to start from scratch," he said Don. Majorly He feels guilty about her affair with Peggy. "This is my only chance. I have children. I can not throw this away." But Megan has already been removed from his show! Don and his heart on moving to L.A. The meeting of Hershey! "Hershey is the currency of affection," says Don execs Hershey, after a story about how his father would buy him some Hershey bars to the corner store. "Well did not you a lucky little boy!" A man team Hershey said. Don hands tremble uncontrollably all lies. Alors! He feels compelled to tell all the truth. "I was an orphan. I grew up in Pennsylvania. In a brothel ... I read about Milton Hershey and his school ... I have read that some orphans had a different life there. I imagined., I dreamed of him. Being wanted. because the woman who are forced every day was looking at me, as if they, I'd hoped to disappear., the closest I felt to be wanted, it was a girl, I go through his pockets, while John would be screwed. If I collected a dollar, they buy me a candy bar. And I would eat. single. in my room. It is with great ceremony. "It's a commercial! Right there! Don shook his head at this point. No one knows where to look. "If it were up to me, you do not need advertising., You should not tell someone like me, a boy, what a Hershey bar," said Don Hershey. "He already knows." Roger looks like he wants to strangle Don now. Jim's like, "It is precisely this kind of theater that makes our work so different!" Ha! So Don, knowing that he bombed, Ted said to go to California in his place. Too bad Megan just doing his job, though! Bet you did not know about it, think Don. Pete and his brother want to know how much it would cost to investigate the disappearance of her mother "approximate". When they hear the number they are like "wellll .... we do not care about so much." Brother Pete "It is in the water, with the Father." Pete and says: "She loved the sea." Great son right here! Uh oh. Ted tells Peggy about his plans in California. "You can make your life and your career to have, and this may be the past," he said. Who is "It's not shocking how much it never happened," 2.0. So now Don violates News Megan not to move to LA "They want to be alone with your liquor and your ex-wife and kids messed up," she said. Now she has no work! Like Don always wanted. After the meeting, the Hershey, Don partners all want to take a few months of rest, "group". They do not give a return date, however. Joan, after hearing that Roger is unwelcome to her family Thanksgiving dinner, invited him to his place. And, oh look! Bob is also there! "I invite you into Kevin's life, not mine," she says. And ... we go with Don at the end of her three children to her parents' house. "It's a bad neighborhood," Bobby said, before Don made all out of the car and look at the dilapidated mess. "This is where I grew up," he said, Sally's Most eye. Louis Vuitton Wallet So! Season six went out with a bang? A fish tail? See you in 2014?

