
Louis Vuitton "buy" to upgrade to at UBS AG (LVMUY)

UBS upgraded shares of Louis Vuitton (NASDAQ: LVMUY) are given a neutral rating to a buy rating in a research note to investors on Friday, TheFlyOnTheWall.com reports. Discount Louis Vuitton UBS AG has also taken measures to a number of other stocks recently. The company raised its price target on shares of DCP Midstream Partners, LP from $ 44.00 to $ 54.00. They have a neutral rating on the stock. In addition, UBS AG raised its price target on shares of Willis Group Holdings PLC $ 40.00 from $ 45.00. They have a neutral rating on the stock. Finally, UBS AG cut their EPS estimates on shares of Embraer. You now have a target of $ 40.00 on the stock. Shares of Louis Vuitton (NASDAQ: LVMUY) traded up 0.39% during mid-day meeting on Friday, hitting $ 35.94. Louis Vuitton has a 52 week low of $ 29.00 and 52 week high of $ 38.47. 50-day average share price is currently $ 33.8. The company has a market capitalization of $ 89849000000 and a P / E ratio of 20.27. Also, analysts at Renaissance Capital upgraded shares of Louis Vuitton continued entry of a note purchase in a research note to investors on Tuesday, 9 July. You now have a target price of $ 2.60 for the stock. Three equity research analysts rated the stock with a rating of five maintenance and issued a recommendation to buy the stock. The stock currently has an average rating of Buy and a price target of $ 2.60 consensus. Discount Gucci LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA (NASDAQ: LVMUY) is a company of luxury goods in France.

