
Vivienne Westwood tries to save the Earth at the London Fashion Week

  Vivienne Westwood, the British designer who dressed the Sex Pistols died , used an event at London Fashion Week as a comment on the current path of humanity from annihilation.

Display Westwood Red Label Sunday opened with a dance expression of Lily Cole, said Westwood model was believe to climate change, say the people are trapped in a destructive path toward disaster.

The presentation of the clothes themselves were political , some slogans on climate change and other floral print and earthy colors ( ' cos the earth is what is under attack , you see. ) Some models have also done with the body makeup, with pale faces and various cuts and scars. After Westwood, she saw how the animals caught in the headlights of the cars.

The event ended with Westwood appeal to the public for all of them a postcard about climate change , which was sent to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calls for him to take action against climate change sign . This was to be met with a divided public , among a few cards , while others with the output .

" I just use fashion as an excuse to talk about politics ," said the punk fashionista. "Because I'm a fashion designer , it gives me a voice. " It seems Westwood is set to use the voice to jam culture industry leading inside. Who said fashion could not save the world?

