nelius, host of the longest running syndicated program in TV history. The frontman for the Roots takes us on the journey through the show’s debut in 1971 to 1993, the final episode Cornelius, the creator, hosted. suffered from ethnic stereotypes since the 19th century. Timothy Meagher, a professor at the Catholic University of America specializing in Irish American history, says that though the Irish had made great gains since the ’30s in Hollywood, anti-Irish and anti-Catholic sentiment were still pronounced when Gucci walletKelly married in 1956.
“There was still great tension in the ’50s, but it’s also a time when the Irish kind of win. She is part of this, as in ‘we have the most beautiful woman in the world,’ ” Meagher said. “She represented a very
aristocratic Catholicism at a time when it was still a kind of ghetto church.”
When viewed as remnants of a socially fraught era, her early gowns seem m
“Legends, Icons & Rebels: Music that Changed the World,” by Robbie Robertson, Jim Guerinot, Sebastian Robertson and Jared Levine, Tundra Books, $29. For young readers, the music industry vets offer an introduction to 27 legends, including James Brown, Curtis Mayfield, Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye and Otis Redding. Includes two CDs totaling 27 tracks.
tumers to wear their Victorian costumes and for other patrons to enjoy looking at costumes. Whichever camp one falls into, one is transported into a magical world where one can experience Christmas in London during the time of Charles Dickens.
This year, the Dickens Fair will be held on four weekends including the Friday after Thanksgiving, from Nov. 25–Dec. 18, at the Louis Vuitton idyleCow Palace Exhibition Halls in San Francisco.
“Smithsonian Civil War: Inside the National Collection,” edited by Neil Kagan and Stephen G. Hyslop, Smithsonian Books, $40. From the story of Winchester, the swift-footed horse of Union commander Philip Sheridan, to Winslow Homer sketches.
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Coffee talk Books for tables can make perfect gifts for the holidays