
luxury home sales, but good news on the horizon

   While the world are expecting sales of luxury goods are short term could easily reverse the message that the market in 2025 will be five times higher than it was in 1995 to alleviate some concerns.

The findings from a new report, Global Luxury Market Study Spring 2013 update, which was conducted by consulting firms in the world to come, the United States, Bain & Company in collaboration with the Italian luxury trade body Altagamma.

According to the study, while sales of luxury goods worldwide - including jewelry and watches - 10 percent last year (at current exchange rates), sales would rise by only luxury four to five percent in 2013.

She also made the sales in the category increase with an average annual growth rate of five to six per cent between 2013 and 2015 (at constant exchange rates) and the total market size is expected to be € 250 billion (to reach 329, 6 billion Australian dollars) to the middle of the decade.

The study covers the worldwide spending on luxury ready-to-wear, perfumes, cosmetics, watches, jewelry and accessories. Monitoring consumption significantly, "such as warehouse and retailers that Chinese luxury consumers slow their purchases." reduced

While sales in China to stabilize at seven percent in 2013 - against 10 per cent last year - South East Asia is reported that an increase of 20 percent, driven by a wave of new openings and increasing the strength and relevance of second- animal markets.

In addition, the report shows tourists were changing consumption patterns by traveling to new destinations such as Australia and South East Asia as opposed to Europe - the "remains a challenge for the industry." Sales in Europe are expected to be 2 percent this year, compared to 3 percent in 2012.

The study predicts that high consumer confidence would increase to raise new openings and intensive investments between physical and online shopping sales in the United States, while demand in Brazil and Mexico remain strong. He also said that Japan returned to positive results in terms of expenditure, supported by the country's efforts to boost the economy and the Middle East grew at a steady pace.

Planning for the future
According to Bain & Company, is the key to success in the luxury market in the next 10 to 15 years, where success is defined by focusing on three management principles luxury goods "to 2.0 Luxury prepare" a superior customer experience, retail management perfectly, and people excellence.

In terms of customer satisfaction, consumers are encouraged to wait every interaction - brick and mortar, online and mobile devices - such as premium, differentiated and tailored to their tastes and preferences. Luxury depend more than ever on the promoters of word-of-mouth, to share their joy with products and experiences.

The era of "formal shopping experience would also open its end, and customers now expect a friendly and personal service. Moreover, physical and digital storefront shops must be more convincing to win the luxury consumer.

Update luxury goods market research worldwide spring 2013 has analyzed the market and financial performance of more than 230 major luxury goods companies and brands in the world. Bain & Company released its first annual study of the global luxury goods market in 2000.

